Tuesday 18 February 2014

Christopher Kane / aw14

For my first entry i thought i would pay homage to one of my favourite designers, Kane always seems to be one of the front runners in British fashion. Kane is known for his bold graphic designs that have become highly desirable in the fashion world, each year he brings new exciting designs into the mix that always look made for the model party girl that likes to turn heads. However, this season Kane's bold images have gone into recluse with only a couple of calm floral prints reminiscent of the ss 14 collection. Instead he has gone more towards monochrome with minimal boxy shapes, working with simple sheer fabrics some covered in ornate white patterning, whilst other light fabrics have been bunched together to create these beautiful arty shapes. You'd have to watch the video (here) to see how they move so delicately, flowing lighter than paper.

Photos courtesy of catwalking.com.